United Parcel Service: Information Technology Management Plan
Background of the Study
Founded in 1907, the United Parcel Service (UPS) is an American-based logistics company. The company relies on its information management systems to undertake most of its operations. This report provides an information management plan for the year 2019.
How to use this Report
The data presented in this plan differ from those of previously published IT management reports because of changes in company programs and developments in innovation. Therefore, it should be assessed in the context of the company’s current internal and external environment.
Terms of Reference
1.    Due to the network effects of implementing the strategic proposals outlined in this report, it is necessary for team members to work in synchrony.
2.    A UPS-appointed steering committee should coordinate activities relating to this IT management plan.
Variation to Terms of Reference
1.    The terms of reference may be reviewed in consultation with the company’s chief executive officer as well as a board of directors
Project Constraints/ Assumptions
•    The project has to be completed within a fixed period
•    The existing system should not be interrupted when implementing this plan
•    Dedicated personnel from the company’s information technology department will implement this strategic plan
•    There are adequate resources to implement each aspect of the information technology plan
The Business Model
Statement of Business Direction
The information management plan will be used to improve organizational performance by meeting the logistical needs of different groups of clients. The operations of UPS are also designed to make the enterprise financially sound by improving employee buy-in through a broad employee ownership formula. Employees are expected to support the organization’s processes because they will receive a long-term competitive return on their investments. Inspiring employees to do their best will also maximize employee support.
Operational Concerns, Problems, and Needs
1.    Managing overheads
2.    Monitoring Performance
3.    Responding to competition
4.    Listening to feedback
5.    Regulation and compliance
Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats
Table 1 below presents a summary of UPS’s SWOT analysis.
Table 1. SWOT Analysis (Developed by Author).
•    Personalized services
•    Flexibility in managing requests
•    Effectively managing a complex security environment
•    Expanded services    Weaknesses
•    The information technology department rarely turn down requests because of its efficiency
•    An inconsistency of knowledge among staff
•    Lack of enterprise-wide enforcement of information technology plans
•    Virtualization and leveraging of new software based on new offerings from IT software
•    Transfer server infrastructure to virtual servers
•    Create advisory groups    Threats
•    Unstable information technology environment
•    Lack of proper funding
•    Competition
•    Ability to maintain industry level security/computing procedures
Business Constraints
•    Physical/Resource Constraints
•    Market Constraints
•    Policy Constraints
•    Material Constraints
External Constraints/Deadlines
Competition from business rivals and the prevailing legal environment are the main external constraints affecting this IT management plan.
Internal Constraints/Deadlines
The implementation of this IT management plan could be constrained by the company’s culture and the internal policies and procedures governing its processes.
Technical Constraints
The limited availability of technical staff to implement the IT plan is another constraint of the IT management plan. There should also be a proper IT infrastructure to implement some of the recommendations outlined in this plan.
Business Aims and Objectives
Aim: Serving the logistical needs of cu

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